Me Me Me

1. If you could have lunch with any celebrity, who would it be? Dove Cameron
2. Pepsi or Coca Cola? Pepsi
3. Amusement Park or Beach BBQ? Amusement Park
4. What is the weirdest food you've ever eaten? Avocado sushi
5. Cookies or Brownies? Brownies
6. Headphones or Earphones? Headphones
7. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset
8. Scariest movie you have seen? The Purge
9. The pokemon I wish I could catch is Rayquaza
10. My favourite TV show is Phineas and Ferb
11. Mee goreng or Maggi Mee?Mee goreng
12. KFC or MCD? McD
13. You're stuck on a desert Island for a month (no WIFI). 
      a. Name 2 people you'd pick to be stuck with you. Bear Grylls and Gordon Ramsay
      b. Name 5 things you'd bring (the island already has food and water).
14. What food will you absolutely not, no matter what, eat? Worms
15. If you could change your name what would it beAlexander 
16. Where do you wish to live one day? U. S. A
17. If you could buy one thing, and money was not a problem, what would it be?Buggati
18. Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? Dwayne Johnson
19. Tell me a joke. Knock knock. Who's there? Doctor. Doctor Who? You got my name.
20.Whats the last thing you took a picture of? A pair of shoes.
21. Pick ONE superpower:   Invisibility,  Mind-reading, Flying, The ability to stop time. The ability to stop time.


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