
Showing posts from July, 2018


1.         My 3 best friends. Ryan, Jingli and Maldini. 2.         3 things I really really want. A better PC, a happy life and a PS4 3.         My 3 favourite movies. Avengers :Infinity War, Black Panther and The Greatest Showman 4.         My 3 favourite songs. Alone, The Spectre and Faded 5.         My 3  favourite bands. 5SOS, Coldplay and Chainsmokers 6.         3 fears. Heights, some bugs and lizards 7.         3 Things that make me happy. Gami ng, studying and doing work 8.         3 Things that annoy me easily. Pestering, blackboard scra tching and loud noises 9.         My 3 favourite animals.   Dogs, wolves and giraffes 10.     My pets. Turtles 11.     My 3 future goals. Making a holophone(holographic phone), getting a job and getting good education 12.     My 3 favourite stores. Toys 'R' Us, Mr Baker's Bakeshop and Supasave 13.     My 3 favourite foods. Steak, fried mee and fried rice 14.     3 things I did yesterday. Go to school, s

Picture Time!

1) What do you want to be when you grow up? Inventor 2) Favourite vegetable? Carrots 3)Tell me one fact about you. I play basketball 4)What talent do you wish you had?  Fast reflexes 5)Least favorite food? Lady Fingers 6) Describe yourself in one word.  Energetic 7) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? Save it